Hello! I'm Jake Shoffner.

I'm a 

I'm currently working on some exciting things over at Pilot. Mostly working with SvelteKit on the frontend side of things. In Summer of 2024, I'm also starting my graduate studies 🎓 in Data Mining & Intelligent Systems at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

This website is a reimagining of my old React site I made when I was first Learning web development. Some major differences in this website: page routing (thanks SvelteKit 😎), new personal branding, more mobile-friendly design, and waaaaaaay faster 🏃 (thanks again Svelte!!).

Well, I think I've bored you long enough. Please enjoy my website and look around all you want. You can see some cool projects, you can learn a little bit about my journey, and finally, you can reach out to me on social media if you ever want to chat!

© 2024 Jake Shoffner. All rights reserved.